Last news about the compiler.

December 9 compiled 0.239 b26 version a compiler (is corrected several small errors). Update library header files for windows (file

December 2 compiled 0.239 b26 version a compiler (is corrected several small errors).

November 15 compiled 0.239 b26 version a compiler (is corrected several small errors). Diman Belyaev send example notepad (file

October 25 compiled 0.239 b26 version a compiler (is corrected several small errors).

October 18 compiled 0.239 b26 version a compiler (is corrected several small errors).

October 17 compiled 0.239 b26 version a compiler (is corrected several small errors). Andrey Ch send example work with OpenGL (file

October 14 appeared 0.239 beta 26 version a compiler. Change library Andrey Ch send example work with sprite (file

September 23 appeared 0.239 beta 25 version a compiler.

September 19 appeared 0.239 beta 24 version a compiler.

Jule 28 appeared 0.239 beta 23 version a compiler.

June 28 compiled 0.239 b22 version a compiler (is corrected several small errors).

June 10 compiled 0.239 b22 version a compiler (is corrected several small errors). Smagin Dmitriy change library file ddraw.h and has doed example an interface DirectDraw (file

May 27 compiled 0.239 b22 version a compiler (is corrected several small errors). Change library

May 25 compiled 0.239 b22 version a compiler (is corrected several small errors). Andrey Ch send example OpenGL using dynamic library an analysis of collision oldet (file

May 20 compiled 0.239 b22 version a compiler (is corrected several small errors). Andrey Ch send demo rotation a vector (file

May 19 take out new library an header files for programming under Windows (file Renewal (redesigned for work with new library and the last version compiler) library WxCmm by Ward (file

May 18 appeared 0.239 beta 22 version a compiler.

And here it is possible to look last year's news.

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